Palekh Artists

The Palekh lacquer miniature is known and appreciated all over the world. Caskets and caskets, panels and cases, brooches and compact boxes, cigarette cases and boxes, beautiful in their sophistication and sophistication, have dispersed all over the world and continue to disperse today. Today they are displayed in the exhibition halls of museums, are the pride of private collections and are simply used for utilitarian purposes, decorating the life of their owners.
The ancient Russian village of Palekh is located in the center of Russia, 350 km away.
northeast of Moscow and 60 kilometers from Ivanov. The history of the village would be similar to many others if icon painting had not appeared here several centuries ago. According to ancient legends, the beginning of the iconography of Palekh dates back to the time of the Tatar-Mongol invasion. As if, when the Tatars plundered and burned Vladimir and Suzdal, the Suzdal and Vladimir icon-painting monks fled from there along with other artisan people to the dense forests. They burned down the forest and built houses for themselves. The village began to be called Palekh. Since then, icons have been painted in Palekh.
Based on the traditions of Novgorod and Stroganov iconography, the Paleshans created their own unique style. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the iconographic craft of Palekh reached its peak. Palekh icons were sold in St. Petersburg, Moscow, all over Russia, as well as abroad. The artels of the Palekh icon painters carried out the most responsible orders: they were entrusted with painting the walls of the Faceted Chamber, restoring frescoes of the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, the Novodevichy Monastery, the cathedrals of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, temples and churches of ancient Pskov and many other cities.
The Palekh icons interested the genius Goethe. Great writers N. Nekrasov, N. Leskov, A. Chekhov, R. Rolland, and many others admired the art of paleshan.
After the 1917 revolution, the Palekh artists had to find a new use for their abilities. In 1924, thanks to the initiative of a group of talented icon painters, with the support of A.M. Gorky and the famous art historian, Professor A.V. Bakushinsky, the "Artel of Ancient Painting" was formed. And although it took a long time to get a new case in hand, the first successes were not long in coming. Already in 1925, at the World Exhibition in Paris, the Artel of Ancient Painting, which presented miniature lacquer products made on papier-mache, received a gold medal. This is how the world-famous Palekh lacquer miniature was born.
Today, as well as icon painting, the profession of the lacquer miniature artist is passed down from generation to generation. Almost every Palekh house is inhabited by artists and people in one way or another connected with the production of lacquer miniatures. It is no coincidence that Palekh is called the "village academy".
Being a direct manufacturer, uniting over a hundred young and experienced artists, the Palekh Artists enterprise has existed for more than ten years and specializes in the production of lacquer miniature products on papier-mache, in the traditions of Palekh miniature tempera painting. The company produces a wide range of products from exclusive copyrighted works to affordable souvenirs. Our assortment list includes caskets, panels, brooches, caskets, decorative plates, icons (including personal ones), cases, etc.
The organization has practical experience in manufacturing exclusive highly artistic works with portraits, images and logos ordered by the client, experience in manufacturing batches of corporate gifts and souvenirs, printing publications.
All works are performed in the technique of traditional Palekh lacquer miniature. The quality control of the products is carried out by the art council, consisting of highly qualified artists.
Compliance with technology, the use of certified, environmentally friendly materials, high quality of semi-finished products, impeccable polishing, combined with the constant development of new shapes and subjects of painting products, provide our company with competitive advantages.
Our products have an environmental certificate, as well as a certificate from the Soyuzexpertiza of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. The products are protected by the company's own trademark.
Since 1996, the company has been a member of the Guild of the Russian Chamber of Fine Arts Productions.
For the preservation and development of the traditions of Russian lacquer art, the company has been awarded many diplomas and certificates, including Diplomas from the Foundation of Folk Arts and Crafts of the Russian Federation, a Diploma from the Organizing Committee of the International Exhibition and Fair of Folk Arts and Crafts (FIAM).
Palekh Artists annually confirms the high quality of its products by participating in exhibitions held both in Russia and abroad.