Sea Power
The British company Sea Power produces souvenirs dedicated to the marine theme. Great Britain is a power whose glory and power are inextricably linked with the sea. Therefore, "marine" souvenirs from the Sea Power company can rightfully be considered truly English souvenirs.
Watches, chronometers, barometers and hygrometers from the Sea Power company are made in a traditional nautical style. Sea Power designers create wall and table clocks in the form of fancy anchors and rudders, bathyscaphes and compasses.
Souvenir appliances from Sea Power represent original decorative interior elements that can completely change a person's perception of the entire interior of a room. So an ordinary office, with a clock or a Sea Power weather station on the wall or desk, immediately turns into the cabin of the captain of a real English sailboat.
To make the analogy with real marine devices as complete as possible, the specialists of the Sea Power company use in their work only those materials that have been used for centuries to manufacture marine accessories. Brass is used as the base metal for creating souvenir instrument cases. Watches, barometers and hygrometers made of brass imitate authentic shipboard instruments absolutely accurately. Other "marine" souvenirs, such as gift ryndes, are also made of brass.
The wooden elements of Sea Power souvenirs are made of teak and ship pine, which are processed and inlaid in full accordance with the old English traditions.