Gift book in leather cover "Russian folk tales by Afanasiev A.N."
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Gift book "Russian folk tales" in the historical French leather-bound style. Gift decoration in the style of Russian ornament, pages printed on designer paper, many interesting thematic illustrations.
The edition of the collection of Afanasiev's fairy tales, published in the academic series "Literary Monuments", preserves the textual principles of the 1957 edition. The texts are compared with the 1873 edition. According to the preserved manuscripts from the archive of the All-Union Geographical Society, passport information about the records of fairy tales that were available in previous editions of the collection of A. N. Afanasyev has been clarified. The "Supplements" to the third volume contain Afanasyev's prefaces to the 1st, 2nd and 4th issues of the first edition. Russian Russian fairy tales are attached to the main body of fairy tales from the notes of Afanasyev, printed in the IV book of the 1873 edition, and in the "Additions" — "A note on the fairy tale "Yeruslan Lazarevich", fairy tales withdrawn by censorship, a number of texts from the collection "Russian Cherished Fairy Tales" and from the manuscript "Russian Folk Tales not for printing" with a preface to the Geneva edition of the Russian Cherished Fairy Tales. Afanasyev's footnotes to individual words and expressions are reproduced in full in this edition. The notes indicate the plot type of each fairy tale according to the international Aarne —Thompson Index (AT); in cases where the plot type of the fairy tale does not fully correspond to the number according to AT, the number is marked "partially". The third volume includes fairy tales from No. 319 to No. 553, fairy tales from Afanasyev's notes, fairy tales from the collection "Cherished Tales", fairy tales from manuscripts "not for printing", prefaces to various publications, Afanasyev's note on the fairy tale "Yeruslan Lazarevich", as well as a list of abbreviations and various indexes.
The historical French style of the leather binding of books, embossed in color and gold, the block of pages of the book is polished with the application of images of fairy tale characters. The texts are decorated with historical ornaments, and there are many illustrations in the design of the pages. The book is printed on Ozon Ivory design paper (Germany).
Design features: French style leather book binding, embossed embossed in color and gold, the block of pages is polished with the application of images of fairy tale characters. The texts are decorated with historical ornaments, and there are many illustrations in the design of the pages. The books are printed on high-quality Ozon Ivory paper (Germany). Books in a gift case decorated in a similar style.
Number of pages:2017 pages
Year of publication:2020 y.
Sizes: 13 × 18 × 26 cm .
Weight: 4.32 kg .