Elite & Fabris
Elite & Fabris is a combination of two names in the Italian porcelain world.
Fabris originates from the Manifattura Italiana Porcellane Artistiche Fabris, created by sculptor Luigi Fabris (1883-1952) in Bassano del Grappa, Italy. He began his career as a sculptor, one of his famous works is the ceramic facade of the Grand Hotel Ausonia & Hungaria in Lido di Venezia. After the death of Luigi Fabrice, his son continued his father's pottery until 1979.
The brand "Elite — the art of porcelain making" was founded in 1972 by Alessandro Maggoni, finding inspiration in the Lombard School of Classical Porcelain. In 1980, Elite bought the rights to all porcelain figurines by Luigi Fabris, in the same year Elite and Fabris merged, which gave even more experience and skill in creating unique porcelain figurines.
Each product from Elite & Fabris is a unique handmade work of the artist with many small details. The collections contain mainly images of people and animals. Since the acquisition of the rights to Fabris, Elite's main task has been to guarantee the quality and preserve classic products, releasing new ones in accordance with the level and technologies of Luigi Fabris.
A special type of porcelain made from suitable clays from southern deposits is used in production. It differs from its analogues in its plasticity and softness in modeling, but at the same time in its high hardness after firing. It is this type of porcelain that allows artists to make subtle shapes and many skillfully executed elements: lace, folds, waves.
Elite & Fabris figurines are created using special heat treatment technology, as well as careful manual finishing and coloring using special powder pigments. Some collections are made using gilding.